Extended Pedigree Notes for Miss Trixy Fox:
WCR JET JACK is the offspring of WCR Showum The Best and Vicky Two Eyes; both producers of ranch, race and performance offspring.
WCR Showum The Best (5 starts; 4 thirds); AQHA Race SI-96/AAA/ROM $786 18 PTS 1D Barrel Horse.
Vicky Two Eyes is a Two Eyed Jack granddaughter. Bottom side traces to Johnny Zero (H-21); Winner of 10 Grand Championships. SIRE OF: ROM Race Offspring, AA Offspring, Performance point earners & Halter point earners.
MISS REDDY STEEL, is the offspring of Ole Red Fox and Miss Echol Bar 514.
The Ole Red Fox has the The Ole Man as grand sire with Babe Cody:ROM Arena/H-19.0/P-7.0(4.0 CT/3.0 Reining 9xs Gnd.Ch. Sire of: 11 AQHA Champions, 9 Supr.Hlt.& Perf. 20 ROM earners, 1440 AQHA pts. Earned. 59 Perf. offspring have earned 1593 Halter/Performance pts. Babe Cody is out of a W T Waggoner bred mare.
Miss Echol Bar 514 by Dakota Echol Bar goes to Three Bars and Ed Echols on the top and The Yellow Stud on the bottom - the Yellow Stud is the sire of Golden Chief (P-194) who perpetuated the Copperbottom family. Golden Chief`s dam was an unnamed range mare of Copperbottom bloodlines.
Delorme Ranch s South Shadow Angus, Paint & Quarter Horses
Registered APHA & AQHA Ranch and Performance Horses
Don and Connie Delorme & Families S Box 28, Robsart, Saskatchewan S0N 2G0 ~ Canada S Phone: ( 306 ) 299 - 4494 S Email
APHA, AQHA, South Shadow Angus + Paints, Delorme Livestock, SSAP Paint & Quarter Horses, southshadow.com, DelormeLivestock.com, PaintHorses.ca, DelormeAngus.ca, southshadowangus.ca