Robins Parteebuilt (APHA)
Si Bar Si
Mistic Pie San
Lady Skip Shi
J Bear
Chocolate Thunder (APHA)
Baileys Playgirl
Mr MBJ Shadow
JM Impressive Socks (AQHA)
Batchs Fancy Socks
Smooth As A Cat
Ricochet Redonda
Extended Pedigree available on Sire & Dam Pages
Support Photos / Sale Testimonials for siblings available through the Dam's page
Sorrel Gelding
June 12, 2015 ~ APHA # 1,055,918
Fifth horse to Tannis Ranches
in Water Valley, AB
Thank you so much for liking our prospects!
Delorme Ranch ~ South Shadow Angus, Paint & Quarter Horses
Registered APHA & AQHA Ranch and Performance Horses
Registered APHA ~ Registered AQHA
International sales to the United States, France & Switzerland have previously been made: Contact us for export details
PEDIGREE information
Full sibs to Dam
click for larger view
Don and Connie Delorme & Families | Box 28, Robsart, Saskatchewan S0N 2G0 ~ Canada | Phone: ( 306 ) 299 - 4494 | Email
APHA, AQHA, South Shadow Angus + Paints, Delorme Livestock, SSAP Paint & Quarter Horses, southshadow.com, DelormeLivestock.com, PaintHorses.ca, DelormeAngus.ca, southshadowangus.ca
Visitors and Inquiries Always Welcome
Give us a call and stop by for a tour and visit.
Please do not hesitate to CONTACT US if you have further questions concerning our horse program.
Hustler pulling heats at A.I. time here