Robins Parteebuilt (APHA)
Si Bar Si
Mistic Pie San
Lady Skip Shi
Triples Titan
Van Bar Snickers
Hurricane Sue
Kristy Tuff Chick
Miss Tuff Kristy
Scat Mama
Smooth As A Cat
Ricochet Redonda
Extended Pedigree available on Sire & Dam Pages
Support Photos / Sale Testimonials for siblings available through the Dam's page
Delorme Ranch ~ South Shadow Angus, Paint & Quarter Horses
Registered APHA & AQHA Ranch and Performance Horses
Registered APHA ~ Registered AQHA
International sales to the United States, France & Switzerland have previously been made: Contact us for export details
PEDIGREE information
Dam's Siblings : 2nd last picture is 2nd Dam - last picture is Sire of Dam
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Don and Connie Delorme & Families | Box 28, Robsart, Saskatchewan S0N 2G0 ~ Canada | Phone: ( 306 ) 299 - 4494 | Email
APHA, AQHA, South Shadow Angus + Paints, Delorme Livestock, SSAP Paint & Quarter Horses, southshadow.com, DelormeLivestock.com, PaintHorses.ca, DelormeAngus.ca, southshadowangus.ca
Visitors and Inquiries Always Welcome
Give us a call and stop by for a tour and visit.
Please do not hesitate to CONTACT US if you have further questions concerning our horse program.
APHA Registry
click photos for larger view
Sorrel Overo Stallion
APHA 1,076,787
Born: May 7, 2017
A keeper headed to our ranch riders.
Full brother in blood to the